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Get this week's news and events from across Fargo Public Schools in the current issue of SCHOOLTALK. This week's issue highlights include newsmakers, feature columns, and more.
The Evidence-Based Reporting gradebook is designed to give a more transparent, skills-based view of a student’s progress. Understanding the gradebook is essential for staying connected with your student’s learning and helping them succeed.
The FPS Adult Learning Center is a regional hub for Adult Education and Family Literacy based out of the Agassiz with satellite sites supporting the southeastern portion of North Dakota.
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Get this week's news and events from across Fargo Public Schools in the current issue of SCHOOLTALK. This week's issue highlights include newsmakers, feature columns, and more.
The Salvation Army's Coats for Kids & Families winter coat and gear distribution event is happening now. Registration must be completed in person at The Salvation Army (304 Roberts St.) from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday-Friday, September 2-27. Identification documents are required.
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Please opt-in to receive text messages from Fargo Public Schools. FPS has switched to a new mass communication system for the 2024-25 school year and you MUST opt-in to receive text messages from FPS. If you do not opt-in, you could miss important information from our school or the District. You can opt-in at any time by texting the word “YES” to 79041.
Get this week's news and events from across Fargo Public Schools in the current issue of SCHOOLTALK. This week's issue highlights include newsmakers, feature columns, and more.
Dakota High School and The Agassiz Building hosted the YouthWorks We've Got You Covered clothing giveaway for students and their families on August 22. The back to school clothing giveaway provided free clothing to 767 children and 489 adults!
Thank you to the Mark Knutson for Kids Legacy Fund for the donation of 1,000 pairs of shoes for FPS elementary students! The donation was delivered to the FPS Operations Center on August 16, and with the help of FPS Development Foundation volunteers, delivery drivers, and warehouse staff, the shoes were delivered to the elementary school buildings before school started.
Students arrived in FPS building for the first day of school last Wednesday, August 28. They prepared for their new classes, saw friends they missed over the summer, and got right back into school routines. FPS looks forward to a great 2024-25 school year.
Mark Your Calendar!
Monday, September 2
Tuesday, September 3 - 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Library
September 9
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Get this week's news and events from across Fargo Public Schools in the current issue of SCHOOLTALK. This week's issue highlights include newsmakers, feature columns, and more.
The FPS Adult Learning Center is a regional hub for Adult Education and Family Literacy based out of the Agassiz with satellite sites supporting the southeastern portion of North Dakota.
The Evidence-Based Reporting gradebook is designed to give a more transparent, skills-based view of a student’s progress. Understanding the gradebook is essential for staying connected with your student’s learning and helping them succeed.
The ND Council of Educational Leaders is accepting nominations from teachers and community members for Principal and Assistant Principal of the Year at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels. Community members and teachers are encouraged to nominate a deserving principal who consistently goes above and beyond to inspire excellence in education.
Get this week's news and events from across Fargo Public Schools in the current issue of SCHOOLTALK. This week's issue highlights include newsmakers, feature columns, and more.
FPS is excited to introduce the Mental Health Series Platform from ParentGuidance.org, a powerful new resource designed to support family mental health and well-being. When caregivers have helpful tools, it benefits children, strengthens families, and contributes to a thriving community.
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act is a federal law that provides important educational rights and services to Pre-K - grade 12 youth experiencing homelessness. More than 100 FPS students are homeless tis school year.
To foster greater engagement and align its efforts with District strategic objectives, the Teaching and Learning team is introducing a key initiative: the implementation of Leadership Rounding.
ND families have the opportunity to take part in a series of free, virtual events designed to support and inspire our community, and are especially geared toward teens and young adults. Developed by the creative team behind Rugrats, The Simpsons, and The Wild Thornberrys – My Life is Worth Living tells powerful stories of seven characters overcoming mental health struggles and suicidal thoughts. Learn More & register
Get this week's news and events from across Fargo Public Schools in the current issue of SCHOOLTALK. This week's issue highlights include newsmakers, feature columns, and more.
FPS is committed to taking proactive steps to prevent suicide and support the mental health of our students. Suicide is preventable, and the our collective efforts can make a difference.
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AD-Ventures is a district publication to help families find activities for their children throughout our community. It is published on the first of each month September-May.
Students may qualify for federal and state assistance to cover the cost of meals. Households may qualify based on income and size, participation in a federal assistance program (SNAP, etc.) and other criteria.
Congratulations to our 2023-24 Team Scholar Co-Curricular teams for their success and academic achievements. To qualify, teams must have an average GPA of 3.2 or higher.
FPS sent a text message to all parents & staff from number 79041 asking you to opt-in to receive text message alerts from FPS and school. To continue receiving texts you MUST respond YES.
Read about revisions to Administrative Policy 6250 Student Restraint Policy to comply with federal requirements in this column by Director of Compliance Dr. Patricia Cummings.
As teachers prepare to finalize grades, read about the process of finalizing evidence-based grades in this column by Allie Kollman, Science Facilitator.
FPS will be converting to a new Mass Notification system in the coming months. Read the Cabinet column about the new system by Strategy & Innovation Officer, Bill Westrick.
FPS wants to update its community, parents, and staff on a recent review process regarding educational materials, specifically the Baby Olivia video by Live Action. Read more about the decision and the process.
Read about the steps being taken to make the negotiations process more collaborative, productive and efficient in this Board Column by Fargo Board of Education Negotiations Committee Chair Seth Holden.
Dr. Timothy Shiver’s presentation on “The Dignity Index" at the National School Board Association's annual conference, left a lasting impression. Read more from Melissa Burkland on the conference and this presentation.
Read more about the instructional material review process in this Feature Column by FPS Director of Standards-Based Instruction Dr. Liann Hanson.
Each year, FPS administration conducts an Administrative Policy review. Administrative Policies are reviewed on a set rotation, ensuring all policies are reviewed once in a four-year cycle. Through this review process, some policies do not require any changes while other policies receive minor updates or more substantial updates. For the 2024 review cycle, administration has been reviewing this year’s set of policies during the school year.
FPS is committed to providing students with high-quality instructional materials that support its strategic plan, align with curriculum standards, and promote inclusivity and diversity.
The U.S Dept. of Education released revisions Title IX the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX protects people from discrimination based on sex in educational programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance.
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